Become Vermont's next #civichacker

Join our award-winning team

The Fun

We're looking for someone with a technical background. We use GIS heavily, so those skills will be highly valued. However, we would also value someone strong in web development, app development, database development, graphic design, or copywriting.
Bring your digital skills to enhance state government.

Bring your considerable insights, inspirations, and innovations. Find a better way of doing things. Invent a new way to use maps and data to drive better decisions. Code a web app. Make an infographic. Craft a cartograhpic masterpiece. Publish open data. Create an API.

What do you need?

We're looking for someone who:

Communicates well

Effective communication, whether it’s face-to-face, in a meeting, or in an email, is vital to fostering good teamwork amongst civil servants and the wider community.

Gets fired up

Enthusiasm for your craft, passion for problem solving, and being fired up about public service is important to our team. We want someone who is all-in with our mission and vision.

Has empathy

We're a tight-knit group of people who care for one another. The government needs someone who cares about their teammates and the citizens they work for.

What's required?

  1. Technical savvy
  2. Creative thinking
  3. Report writing

What's NOT required?

  1. Years of experience
  2. Railroad knowledge
  3. Transportation expertise


What's nice to have?

  1. Strong technical portfolio
  2. 1+ years experience with Esri GIS tools
  3. Solid GitHub commit history


The Legalese

You must have at least:

  • An Associate's degree -or-
  • 60 college credits -or-
  • High school graduation + 2 years experience -or-
  • Three seasons working as an AOT Tech Apprentice III
See the job specification below for a complete description of requirements.

AOT Technical Apprentice IV

The Details

Ready to get started?

Follow the directions on this form.

VTrans Temporary Application

Then send a cover letter to:

Stephen Smith